Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fourth of July eve

Yay! But not really though today is very cloudy and windy and slightly cold, ask anyone else and they'd say it's too cold for summer but, that's how it is when you live on the coast of California. Today was a very drab day and at precisely 7:00 pm it's going to get even worse. We have to go to a "thing" (I don't know what to call it) at this families house because their son was killed and we also went to their house yesterday but apparently the "thing" had been canceled so we stayed there for a respectful amount of time before we left to get some groceries. Two funny things happened though, first, we heard a freakin' firework like two houses down and it scared us shitless. The second one was pretty funny though, my dad got a soda and when he opened it the little tab came off and fell in the soda and then he thought, "Oh I'll get it out later," and then he said that he forgot about it and drank out of it and then he said he could feel something other than soda going down his throat and then he looked in the can and the little tab was GONE. And then while we were leaving we started making a bunch of poop jokes about it ( yes we as in my mom, dad, and I).

On a lighter note tomorrow it the fourth of July and that means...... only going to the beach to laugh at silly people getting drunk and then run back to the house and do nothing. Or we might go and walk around this little farmer's market type thing and then walk to the beach to laugh at drunk people. Either way we go we'll still end up laughing at drunk people. I guess Naomi will probably make a post about it tomorrow so why are you looking at me, go check out her blog tomorrow and see what she does!


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