Friday, January 25, 2013

Sherlock, Sherlock every where!

Ok so a few weeks ago Naomi posted about the BBC t.v. show Sherlock right? If not allow me to re-cap: At the end of season two of Sherlock, he jumps off a building to save his best friend, John, his landlady, Mrs. Hudson, and the detective inspector of Scotland Yard, Greg Lestrade. We see him jump and we see his body lying on the side walk, face covered in blood. In the next scene we see John at Sherlock's grave saying a few heart-wrenching words, after John turns around to leave the camera pans off to a patch of trees a few yards away and there we see Sherlock staring after John, alive as ever and then... BAM! Credits.

So I've been on Tumblr lately and suddenly this:
 And apparently it is the stage FOR SHERLOCK!!!!

 Here we have the art director sweeping with what apparently seems to be the new wallpaper at 221B behind him.

 Here is THE FRONT DOOR of 221B.

And here they seem to be putting up the walls for it.

And I was basically just like:

And thus ends this blog post. I'm Kate R....goodnight.


This is 221B in the making.

You see that roll of wallpaper he's holding? Well guess what, it's 221B's original wallpaper!!
I will be updating this every time a new picture comes out.

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