Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Ok I'm going to rant on here so warning there is going to be mild swearing and all that juicy stuff, but if you really don't care don't even bother starting the next sentence.

Ok, so in my show choir and we are practicing a few songs for an upcoming concert. To start off the show we will be singing a song called 'Hello Hello' and one of the lines that we sing is 'Tally-ho, Gero-ni-mo' and everyone is singing it correctly EXCEPT these two little seventh graders who purposely sing it incorrectly, instead of saying 'Geronimo' they say something along the lines of  ger-onchi-no and it's really bothering the shit out of me. I think it's starting to become a habit to them now and it really worries/annoys me because they apparently get embarrassed easily so god forbid that they say that at the concert because I will not hesitate to rip out their vocal cords.

Next item on the agenda are people who join choir boasting about how good they sing and then once the time comes they get very quiet or refuse to sing. Like today for example, our teacher was showing us a video of the competition we might have when we compete and these two girls sitting next to me started blabbering on about some stupid shit and our teacher told them to be quiet, luckily it was towards the end of the video so they didn't miss much, she started to lecture them about it when another girl spoke and said that they should be concentrating on the video because they were obviously much more advanced than us and that they should think about what we need to fix. Her speech was much greater than the small summary I just gave you but that was basically what it was.

Let me just say here that those two girls barely even participate and can't even sing a note given by the teacher correctly and it's not just them most of the girls on the soprano side are very much like that. Sure I'll admit that they can sing certain things nicely but sometimes when we're told to sing a bit louder and then they go on the verge of screaming and hitting the note too sharply. And since we are in show choir and not concert choir we have to sing and dance so we must take our rehearsing seriously since it takes us longer to learn the routine in the short time that we have. I'm not saying that we can't have fun but once we start singing and the teacher is telling us how to sing it we have to be serious about it and we cannot be distracted.

My biggest pet peeve though is that they join show choir knowing that they have to dance and that they really have to exaggerate their facial expressions while performing but once we have a concert the ones who get embarrassed are put right in the front and then they get all shy and don't do very much correctly and then if they make the slightest mistake they get all giggly and they start talking to the person next to them right in the middle of the fucking song during a concert and I've experienced this first hand during a concert and in class. "This is so embarrassing" I heard one of them say next to me during class today. If it's as embarrassing as you say then why did you join again? This is your second year in it you should know by now what it's like. And yes, I know that people do get scared when performing front of others but why join choir when you know this about yourself? Even I still get a bit nervous when performing but I know that we've worked hard and that I have to show that so I let it all go and I give it my all.

Sorry this turned out to be so long but I really needed to let this out and Naomi kept nagging me about writing a new post so here it is.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fourth of July eve

Yay! But not really though today is very cloudy and windy and slightly cold, ask anyone else and they'd say it's too cold for summer but, that's how it is when you live on the coast of California. Today was a very drab day and at precisely 7:00 pm it's going to get even worse. We have to go to a "thing" (I don't know what to call it) at this families house because their son was killed and we also went to their house yesterday but apparently the "thing" had been canceled so we stayed there for a respectful amount of time before we left to get some groceries. Two funny things happened though, first, we heard a freakin' firework like two houses down and it scared us shitless. The second one was pretty funny though, my dad got a soda and when he opened it the little tab came off and fell in the soda and then he thought, "Oh I'll get it out later," and then he said that he forgot about it and drank out of it and then he said he could feel something other than soda going down his throat and then he looked in the can and the little tab was GONE. And then while we were leaving we started making a bunch of poop jokes about it ( yes we as in my mom, dad, and I).

On a lighter note tomorrow it the fourth of July and that means...... only going to the beach to laugh at silly people getting drunk and then run back to the house and do nothing. Or we might go and walk around this little farmer's market type thing and then walk to the beach to laugh at drunk people. Either way we go we'll still end up laughing at drunk people. I guess Naomi will probably make a post about it tomorrow so why are you looking at me, go check out her blog tomorrow and see what she does!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Looky Here!

As you all can see the blog has gotten an AMAZING new look with great help and patience from Naomi.

So let us begin with this:

My first Loki shirt (which is strange since I love him so much) and I love it!
He's saying "Kneel before me!"

The next thing on the agenda is this Sunday my mom, Naomi, and I will be going to go watch Star Trek: Into Darkness! And basically the only reason we're going is because of Benedict Cumberbatch. 
 Here he is playing the villain "John Harrison" 
( I'd put his "real" name but spoilers!)

It makes me ashamed because the Star Trek fandom is such a deep, old, and well-respected fandom I feel as though I'm intruding on it just to go watch my favorite actor, but at least I'm not completely clueless to it. I know that John Harrison is an Augment and I know the Enterprise's crew's names and a few other things, so NOT COMPLETELY CLUELESS! 

So yes, that seems to be it for today and I will probably have a review post about it either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, bye!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hello again everyone!!

Hey everyone its been a while since I last posted but now I'm back and I got a Twitter so if you guys wanna follow me here's the link. That was all I wanted to say and I hope you guys have a lovely day!

Monday, March 18, 2013

It is time....

Today is the day.
It has begun.
Filming for.......

Keep going......

Almost there.......

Yes that's right folks filming has begun for season(series) 3 and I cannot contain my excitement in mere words I must make a video (soon enough) for now I will show you what's going on. I was going to make a post about the production of the set and all but it was too difficult tracking down all the people who were posting pictures of the set production so yeah... anyways since filming started today I'm going to just show you pics of what happened today

Ok, so first, Mark Gatiss tweeted this picture of the slate and we got a MOTHA TRUCKING NAME  FOR THE FIRST EPISODE! So since the name of the story in which Sherlock returns is called 'The Empty House' they have to change it a bit and they called it 'The Empty Hearse' and it makes perfect sense because Sherlock isn't really dead so the hearse is therefore empty.

 Arwel Wyn Jones tweeted a picture of the set with the caption "The calm after the storm !" As in after they shot the first episode that day.



AND THEN, these two dorks decided this would be a fun picture! This isn't from today it's a couple weeks ago they were doing the read through of the script and this... happened... so Tumblr was basically like:







 And everybody ran around photo shopping grapes onto Martin's eyes and craziness ensued. So that's what happend and I will soon upload a video with Naomi about all the excitement and yeah sooo...


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sherlock Update!!

OK, I forgot to update the last post so here I will now inform you on what is happening through Arwel Wyn Jones Twitter

'A not so empty studio! Been a busy week already.'

'A very Big jigsaw!'

'Sorry to tease! Just been to London for a couple of meetings. Back in Wales & look how well the jigsaw has come along!'

'How to get ahead in carpentry!'

'Mrs Hudson's got the painters in!'

'The story so far!'

'Look at what the construction elves have been up to while I was in London!'

'Guess who's back? Back in town. Clue- it's not Slim Shady!'

'The answer to yesterday's tease - #smiley :-)'

'Kitchen and the fireplace are up!'

'Friday feature! Who's in the frame?'

'Charlie's aren't a patch on mine!'

'We have windows!'

The following picture's are from Mark Painter's Twitter

'Whoops someones built the front of 221'

'A view from the back of 221'

'Today at 221'

'Heres a teaser, have you ever seen these doors in the closed position in any episode of sherlock?'

 'Sack the window cleaner at 221'

We're also getting action figures!

Oh! And a few things I forgot!

 A close up of the outside of 221B

And a little something if you can spot it

And then THIS! This person luckily screen caped it because the bastard deleted the tweet a few minutes later!